Posted in UKM

Orientation Week

Minggu Jalinan Mesra~ that’s what our spectacular orientation week is called.

Opinions will vary when you asked how it was during orientation week. I think I am in the minority so I may sound bitter to those who like it.

I just remember being exhausted. But of course, when you think of orientation week you think of endless activities and being forced to wake up early and sleep late.

I had low expectations or maybe high depends on how you see it.. but I imagined being more relaxed than during matriculations. But it was way more stressful~

They were strict on (in my opinion) unnecessary things. For example, we all had to wear a white scarf (hijab) and it must be totally white it can’t be slighty peach or almost grey…they were absolutely specific on the shade of white. Even our baju kurung had to be red. If your baju kurung was red but was overwhelmed with patterns of another colour, go back to your room and change. And damn there were so many stairs along the way.

They were so unforgiving.

In my matriculation, we had to wear black, but it didn’t matter if there were patterns or it was more grey than black…they weren’t as forceful.

I heard it was just our kolej kediaman (Hostel) cause other kolej was fine. Which made it really infuriating. (Not sure how true this is~)

Now focusing on the good side (which won’t last with a bitter person like me),  the seniors did overfeed us. Literally gave us no time to be hungry. They would give us a snack and a drink (juice not just plain water man!) even if there was a short moment where we feel slightly hungry. It is amazing how they could tell.

And they would always be so energetic despite it being so damn early. Which I had no capability of doing so I was impressed.

Some activities were really fun. The most fun I had was going to see the Artistic group of UKM (Sorry have no idea what they are officially known as) there was singing, dancing and a explore race that was fun.

We had an explore race in my faculty (not during orientation week) where we used social media such as Instagram, Facebook and etc to pass the checking point. (Hey, I am in Faculty of Information Science and Technology) That was fun!

Besides that, we also got to know the type of sport there were in UKM and also participate. I got to play frisbee, which I did not even know was a sport. It has proper rules and everything. I only joined cause I thought it would be easy.

Now to get to the part I dreaded and I still mumble curses under my breath at the thought of it alone in the corner as everyone as loved it. No one joined in my bitter parade.

PERANG DECTAR~ Not sure who idea was to do this but obviously not someone sane. I actually heard every uni has a version of this but ours might be more extreme. Here were the rules, we had to go against other kolejs. We had to cheer (our kolej’s cheer, which was quite many, and some cheers was specifically targetting a specific kolej)  as loud as we can against the others.

While we cheer the other kolej will cheer too, maybe at the same time, maybe not. Its too muddled to tell cause at the same time you cheer people around you (maybe even right next to you ear 😡 ) will hoot horns, play the drums and use siren noises.

While all of this is happening, slowly one by one the lights will go out, so will the air conditioner, so it will be HOT and LOUD and DARK and you have to SCREAM and WAVE your arms in the air and do the damn cheer.

And the only way to win was being the last one to last. There was no point of winning really, there was no prize and if you ended being last you will have to clean up. Cause’ it was a mess. (Tho, my kolej aim was to at least get rid of a particular kolej then leave)

I felt so suffocated, so annoyed and literally stumbled and pushed aside some people and went to the seniors and claimed I was sick. I was teary-eyed from stress and I did puke a lil’.

So I was whisked away.

I realized also, how much of a perfectionist UKM is. The last day before Perang Dectar, the performance was great. They had a gave us a huge welcome! Overall, I could see how much thought was put into our orientation week. They tried to made sure we had fun and got to know UKM.

I kinda want to rant some more but I must end this on a happy note~ I hope you guys don’t conclude it was awful…It was fun. But for someone who never really socialize this took a big hit on me.


That was my last day.

Here a link to know how chaotic it was during Perang Dectar~